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Digital support available across the city this autumn

Helsinki City Digital Support on the telephone, online and remotely
You can call or chat with us in English to get digital support free of charge. Our phone service is open from Monday to Friday between 9-12 at 09 310 10011. The chat is open for the same hours and can be found in the lower right corner of the front page.
You can get remote support for using computers, tablets and smartphones. You can also get support for problems related to using e-services, online services and most common applications.
If we cannot solve the problem through a phone call, we can guide you to the nearest digital support service point. We can also book an appointment or at-home digital support service for you.
If our phone service is closed, you can make a request for remote support. After the support request, a digital support expert will contact you by phone to discuss the digital support in more detail. Remote digital support will be provided on weekdays at 9:00–19:00. Digital support services will contact you within a few business days.
Helsinki City Digital Support Service points
The Helsinki-info service point in Helsinki Central Library Oodi (on the 1st floor) provides digital guidance in English 10–18 every weekday (10–16 on Fridays) without reservation. You can check the up-to-date timetables here (in Finnish), “digituen viikko-ohjelma”.
If you want to book a time for digital support at one of Helsinki’s community houses, you can call 09 310 10011 but enrollment is not required. You can use the computers and printers in the community houses.
Digital guidance is provided in English at the following community houses at the following times:
Community House Hanna (Sturenkatu 12) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10–17. Read more.
Community House Pihlajanmäki (Liusketie 3 A) on Mondays and Tuesdays 10–17. Read more.
Community House Oulunkylän Seurahuone (Larin Kyöstin tie 7) on Wednesdays and Thursdays 10–17. Read more.
Community House Malmi (Kirkonkyläntie 2) on Wednesdays and Thursdays 10–17. Read more.
Community House Kontula (Keinulaudankuja 4 c) on Fridays 10–17. Read more.
Helsinki City Library offers digital support at all of its 37 service points. In addition to the library staff, digital support is offered by the City’s cooperation partners, such as ENTER ry. There are also customer computers and printers available. Events, lectures and group guidance sessions related to digital support are also organised at libraries.
You can also book an hour of free guidance in one of the following libraries. Booking forms are only available in Finnish at the moment.
Read more about Digital Support at libraries and booking a time:
Read more about library events:
Enter’s peer guidance
ENTER ry offers ICT peer guidance for seniors at libraries, service centres or other public facilities in around 80 locations across Uusimaa. You can find more details about guidance organised in cooperation with Helsinki on ENTER ry’s website.
Digital guidance is provided at the following libraries: Oodi, Herttoniemi, Itäkeskus, Kannelmäki, Kontula, Munkkiniemi, Oulunkylä, Pitäjänmäki, Puistola, Rikhardinkatu, Töölö, Vuosaari.
Digital guidance is also provided at Kamppi service centre, Kannelmäki service centre, Kinapori service centre, Kustaankartano service centre, Pohjois-Haaga service centre (Mariankoti). Read more here.
Enter ry digital guidance at Kalliola Settlement House (Sturenkatu 11), on Tuesdays from 10–12.
And Care House Wilhelmiina (Pikku-Huopalahti) on Wednesdays (even weeks) from 10–12.
Adult Education Centre
Whether you want to learn a new skill or start a hobby, The Finnish Adult Education Centre ‘Työväenopisto’ and Swedish Adult Education Centre ‘Arbis’ offer you thousands of courses, lectures and events to choose from. The education centres are available for everyone aged 16 and above, regardless of your level of education or where you live. Browse the courses, lectures and find out how to register on the -service.
Digital guidance in English is provided at the following Adult Education Centre service points at the following times:
Maunula House (Metsäpurontie 4) 02.09.–02.12. on Mondays 17.15–20.30. You can book a time (45 minutes) in advance if you want: Read more here.
Oulunkylä House (Kylänvanhimmantie 25) 04.09.–11.12.2024 on Wednesdays 13.15–14.45. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88610 or Read more here.
Konala community space in Ristikko shopingcentre (Ajomiehentie 1) 09.09.–18.11.2024 on Mondays 9.30–12. Book a time (45 minutes/in person or remotely) in advance: 09 310 88610 or
Digital guidance remotely 09.09.–25.11.2024 on Mondays 13–15.30. Book a time (45 minutes/in person or remotely) in advance: 09 310 88588.
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) 13.09.– 29.11.2024 on Fridays 14–18. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88588 or
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) 02.09.–02.12.2024 on Mondays 17–20. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88588 or Read more here.
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) 03.09.–19.11. on Tuesdays 10–11.30. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88588. Read more here.
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) 03.09.–10.12. on Tuesdays 12–18. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88588 or Read more here.
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) 29.08.–05.12.2024 on Thursdays 17.15–18.45. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) Media and work life skills 04.09.– 11.12.2024. on Wednesdays 13–16. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88588. Read more here.
Cultural centre Malmitalo in Malmi (Ala-Malmin tori 1 B) 02.09.–09.12.2024 on Mondays 17–20. You can book a time (45 minutes) in advance if you want: Read more here.
Herttoniemi Silkkikutomo servicepoint (Laivalahdenkatu 2 b A) 04.09.–04.12. on Wednesdays 14.30–16.45. Read more here.
Herttoniemi Library 16.09.–02.12.2024 on Mondays 13.30–15. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
Cultural centre Kanneltalo in Kannelmäki (Klaneettitie 5) digital guidance 05.09.–12.12. on Thursdays 13.15–15.30. You can use the internet, scanner and printer. Read more here.
Cultural centre Stoa in Itäkeskus (Turunlinnantie 1) 27.08.–03.12.2024 on Tuesdays 16–19.15. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
Cultural centre Vuotalo in Vuosaari (Mosaiikkitori 2) 28.08.–04.12.2024 on Wednesdays 16–18.30. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
Digital Guidance in other languages
In Russian
Cultural centre Vuotalo in Vuosaari (Mosaiikkitori 2) 27.08.–03.12.2024 on Tuesdays 17–18.30. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 3103 3546 or Read more here.
Cultural centre Stoa in Itäkeskus (Turunlinnantie 1) 29.08.–05.12.2024 on Thursdays 16–16.45. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 3103 3546 or Read more here.
Digital guidance remotely 29.10.–19.11.2024 on Tuesdays 14–15.30. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88693. Read more here.
In Arabic
Cultural centre Stoa in Itäkeskus (Turunlinnantie 1) in Arabic 27.08.–03.12.2024 on Tuesdays 16–19.15. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
Cultural centre Vuotalo in Vuosaari (Mosaiikkitori 2) digital guidance 28.08.–04.12.2024 in Arabic on Wednesdays 16–18.30. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
Kalliola Adult Education Centre (Helsinginkatu 26) digital guidance 29.08.–05.12.2024 in Arabic on Thursdays 17.15–18.45. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission, no enrollment. Read more here.
In Kurdish
Cultural centre Stoa in Itäkeskus (Turunlinnantie 1) digital guidance in Kurdish 12.09.– 28.11.2024 on Thursdays 12.30–14. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88610 or Read more here.
In Persian
Cultural centre Stoa in Itäkeskus (Turunlinnantie 1) digital guidance in Persian 12.09.– 28.11.2024 on Thursdays 12.30–14. Here you can get help with using your Windows computer, tablet and smartphone, internet and e-mail, as well assistance filling and sending electronic forms to agencies (e.g. Kela, TE-office etc.) Free admission. Book a time (45 minutes) in advance: 09 310 88610 or Read more here.
At-home digital support
The City of Helsinki is cooperating with HelsinkiMissio, whose volunteers can visit your home to help with digital problems. You can get guidance on topics such as how to use computers, tablets, phones or televisions.
You can request digital help by filling in a contact form (opens in new tab).
Guidance for jobseeking
Do you need support and advice in applying for a job or a place to study?
You can receive advice on matters including, for example: Job seeking (preparing CVs and applications, searching for suitable jobs and using job seeking platforms), education (submitting education applications) and use of the City Employment Service e-services (reports, plans and situation check).
The services are open 9–16 every weekday in Kamppi (Malminkatu 34), Pasila (Ratapihantie 7) and Itäkeskus (Asiakkaankatu 3A). There is no need to book an appointment for the guidance services. Guidance is available in Finnish and English. We can also book interpreters for other languages.
Helsinki City Employment Service points lobbies also have computers and printers that you can freely use for applying for jobs and training.