Develop your digital skills – find help online
No one is the master of everything, but you can continuously improve your skills. Below you can find material on developing digital skills from the perspective of a senior, a parent, an unemployed person or someone who needs basic digital skills, for example.

YLE Digitreenit offers the opportunity to study at your own pace, starting from the basics, such as basic terms and their meanings, basics of data security and general settings of the most common devices. You can also ask for help with learning in the Digitreenit Facebook group of Yle Oppiminen.
• Digitreenien peruskurssi – taitoja uteliaille
• Ylen Digitreenit
Digitreenit provides help and tips on how to use mobile phones, computers and digital services
The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People’s SeniorSurf activities have produced videos (in Finnish) to encourage and motivate seniors as well as videos related to other digital guidance activities for seniors.
You can find materials on information technology issues for independent research and study on ENTER ry’s self-learning pages Opiskele itse (in Finnish) and also some information in English.
Digitalisation has brought new kinds of needs and requirements in parenting. Online safety skills, media education, game education and social media are some of the areas that may require parents to learn new things and deepen their understanding of the issues.
MLL: Hyvinvointia digiajassa (in Finnish)
Material on the digital wellbeing of children and parents, including digital media and learning, algorithms and the use of media, screentime, cyberbullying, media and sexual content.
Save the Children: Digitaalinen hyvinvointi UKK (in Finnish)
Can a parent read their child’s messages? How to react? Guidance on how to talk to children about the use of the internet, including the dangers it presents.
F-Secure: Social media guide for parents
A checklist of things to consider in children’s media education.
City of Helsinki Employment Services organises courses for its customers who may have different levels in basic skills, from beginner computer users to those who need revision.

More information about the digital services on Helsinki-kanava
The “Digipalvelut tutuksi” series consists of videos on how to use the digital services and how to guide the user. You can also find a wide range of material about the City and its operations on Helsinki-kanava.